Faster response to customers with the dynamic trading solution

Our powerful business appli­cation for technical whole­sale with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Local markets are also becoming more transparent and competitive. On-site service and customer proximity are key factors for your future success. The industry solution for trading processes in the technical whole­sale helps you to focus on the most impor­tant aspects. Map your own processes with a high level of customer service and thus offer the decisive competitive ad­vantage.


  • immediate & reliable delivery dates
  • individual price quotes
  • service-oriented take-back and warranty processing
  • comprehensive logistics services
  • direct customer connection via Smart Client

Regarding the design of the industry solution, it was consistently paid attention that your added value is taking the center and the latter can be easily and intuitively realized by your employees using intelligent workflows.
The software will provide your company the freedom to focus more intensively on the interests of your customers. Either when it comes to maintaining contacts or developing new services. That creates security and stability in your area.

Our software always fully exploits its advantages when it is supposed to cover the following scenarios:

  • central / regional warehouse concept, supplying subsidiaries
  • telephone sales / online sales
  • own delivery logistics

The solution for technical wholesale can be used in companies with different characteristics:

  • electronics sector
  • building services
  • building materials
  • car parts for passenger / commercial vehicles

Complete, modern and well-proven business software

The industry solution for the technical trading is based on Dynamics 365 Business Central (formerly Microsoft Dynamics NAV) and is there­fore part of a complete ERP suite of Microsoft. Apart from the classic areas, such as financial manage­ment and inven­tory manage­ment, the solution is also suit­able to image different scenarios in e-commerce.
There­fore, the solution of prisma informatik professionally supports the growth strategy and international orientation of the company. The software for the technical whole­sale is aimed at providing multi­lingualism and multi-currency capability. New sales channels or trading plat­forms can be made accessible quickly due to the dynamic environ­ment.
The modern technical plat­form of the business application allows a smooth inter­action with all partners participating in the processes (logistics service providers, companies for cash manage­ment, suppliers etc.).

Our solution for technical wholesale enables …